Transformed Lives

Not long after she was married, Allison learned the husband she’d met online – and grown to love deeply – wasn’t the man she believed him to be.“ ...

At age 32, substance abuse has consumed most of Adam’s adult life. Influenced by the wrong crowd, he started using alcohol in high school. As he began his career and...

After two broken marriages, Joy was devastated. As she struggled to cope with her heartbreak and loss, she rekindled an addiction she thought she’d overcome. Soon she was unable to...

At a very young age, Jeremy was hurt by an adult he looked up to and trusted. “And it really emptied my soul,” he says. As he grew older, he...

“I was always climbing the ladder,” Misty says, “always searching for more. More education. More job titles. More money.” But by the time she reached 40, she felt something was...

Nearly 20 years ago, John suffered a serious back injury that altered the course of his future. “Back in those days, we didn’t know what we know now about pain...

Your support touched lives with new hope. Randy began using alcohol at age 14 to numb the pain of his father's abuse. "He took everything out on me," he shares....

When the father of her children was killed through an act of violence, Melissa was devastated. “I had never been so alone in my life," she says. "But in those...