Brennon and his family lived a nomadic life –
traveling from state to state with their mobile
home while his father pursued a better job and more
stable future. The persistence paid off and when
Brennon was 9, Casper became their permanent home.
But eager for acceptance and longing to make
new friends, Brennon was vulnerable and fell in with
the wrong crowd. Succumbing to peer pressure, he
adopted destructive behaviors that, as he grew older,
left him battling for sobriety… struggling to hold a
job… pursuing unhealthy relationships… and often
experiencing homelessness.
His challenges escalated until finally he was forced
to make a choice: go to jail, or join our Discipleship
Program and turn his life around.
Although Brennon had never considered himself
spiritual, he did have an old Bible. “The binding was
coming off, it was in three clumps and the pages
were falling out,” he says. So he felt welcome and
blessed when a fellow guest gave him a new one.
Most importantly, it jump-started his relationship with God.
In addition to faith-based studies, he volunteers
at our Rescued Treasures Thrift Store, works in the
kitchen and takes part in classes that help guests
become healthy, productive and independent members
of society.
He’s grateful for the study skills he is
learning in our care and plans to go to school for a
trade he can use to help his community.
“WRM has given me a chance to
get off the streets and get help.”
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