Rescued Treasures

Rescued Treasures


Thrifting On A Mission

Rescued Treasures Thrift Stores is a Ministry of Wyoming Rescue Mission, and every dollar spent, and every donation collected brings hope to those in need. The Wyoming Rescue Mission is on a mission to restore homeless lives and Rescued Treasures plays an integral and necessary part of the Mission’s goal to see lives transformed and healed through the Grace of Jesus Christ. We make it easy to have a lasting positive impact on the community here in Casper while also providing a wonderful boutique thrift experience. Each time you donate or shop, you can rest assured that you are helping restore hope and transform lives!


Our Focus


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

  • Our goal is to assist in bringing people to redemption in Christ and Rescued Treasures is one way we pursue that goal. 
  • As part of WRMs Discipleship Ministry, Rescued Treasures hosts a Servanthood Training Program. Servanthood Training helps our Discipleship Guests with little job experience find a pathway to work. Through serving at Rescued Treasures, our guests get a chance to build the confidence & training they will need as they are restored back to community and independence with the love of Christ.
  • The Servanthood Training Program not only allows our guests to acquire important work experience, but it also allows them to work alongside WRM employees, who are expected to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  
  • Through our Program, our guests also see and learn how our WRM Rescued Treasures employees offer respect, courtesy, and share the Gospel with Rescued Treasures patrons.  
  • Through our Program, guests gain two important skillsets: (1) they learn from WRM Rescued Treasures employees how to represent Christ and how to spread the Good News to others—who may or may not have a relationship with Jesus; and (2) they gain practical and beneficial work experience that can benefit them in the future. 



“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” – Psalm 24:1 (NIV)

  • Rescued Treasures is a Ministry of WRM and exists to further the goal of WRM. Every dollar spent at Rescued Treasures finances the operations and programs of WRM. 
  • We believe in the good stewardship of God’s resources. Donating your gently used goods to Rescued Treasures helps eliminate waste, helps those in need, and supports the operations and programs of WRM.
  • We also offer a voucher system to provide low-income families and Mission guests with free clothes and needed essentials.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

Visit Our Stores

Rescued Treasures East

Casper, WY 82609
(307) 473-6934
Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00 am – 6 pm
Closed Sunday

Rescued Treasures West

Casper, WY 82604
(307) 233-4240
Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00 am – 6 pm
Closed Sunday

We Welcome Your Donations!

Donors can be confident that as a ministry of Wyoming Rescue Mission, all donated items sold at Rescued Treasures, in turn, provide critical food and shelter to the homeless and needy in our community.

We accept new or gently-used clothing, furniture, housewares, electronics and toys.

Donations are received at both locations (10:00 am-6:00 pm).

Carts will be available for your donations, our staff will also be available to provide car-side assistance in our receiving area.

Those requiring gift-in-kind receipts may take them from the black mailbox on the back fence.

Dump Passes



You can help! Please bring the dump pass from your water bill to Rescued Treasures East or West to assist us with disposal costs.


Things We Accept:


• Antiques & collectibles
• Gently-used clothing
• Books
• Housewares
• Furniture
• Electronic equipment
• Seasonal items
• Toys
• Bicycles
• Exercise equipment
• And much more!

Things We DON’T Accept:

Household chemical products: pesticides, oil-based paint, paint thinner, drain cleaner, oven cleaner, aerosols, etc.
Automotive hazardous waste: tires, lead acid batteries, additives, gasoline, oils or antifreeze
• Firearms or ammunition
• Freon- or gas- based appliances
• Used carpet or used carpet padding
Used personal care/hygienic items: opened shampoo, conditioner, nail polish remover, shaving cream, etc.
Products that do not meet the current safety standards of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission: including recalled items such as cribs, car seats, or walkers

. Mattresses: mattresses and other prohibited items are being left on-site after hours or in our dumpster. Disposing of these items requires trips to the city dump, and we are charged by the ton. These costs take away funds from restoring homeless lives to community independence with the love of Christ.

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rescue treasures second hand