Meet Melissa

Where can women go for rehabilitation programs

Meet Melissa

Meet Melissa- She can’t thank you enough!


When the father of her children was killed through an act of violence, Melissa was devastated.

“After he died, I had never been so alone in my life,” she says. “But in those moments, you can really feel God’s presence, because he is always there in our darkest hour.” Yet, sadly, because of long-held feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem, she was unable to embrace the full power of his love.

As she struggled to cope with her grief and pain, she rekindled an addiction she thought she had put behind her. Placing her children in the care of her parents, who continued to love her unconditionally, she faced homelessness – even jail time – as she tried in vain to pull her life back together.

Finally, at the encouragement of her mother and father, she came to WRM and joined our Discipleship Recovery Program.

Today, Melissa says, WRM is empowering her with a stable foundation – spiritually, mentally and emotionally – to go back into the world. And she is learning that her self-esteem comes not from how the world sees her, but from God’s love for her.

There was always something missing in my life, and that was my connection with Him.”

When she graduates, healed and whole and confident in her role as a godly mother, she plans to find a job and affordable housing where she can be reunited with her children.

She attributes her transformation to her parents, the staff and volunteers at WRM and others who believed in her and showed unwavering support.
“It’s all been through the Lord and the people He has put in my life to help me grow and let go of my fears,” she shares.

Although you may never meet Melissa, she is eternally grateful to you, too, for YOUR support and her heart is filled with new hope for the future. “The Mission truly gets to the core of healing people and getting them on the right path.”


To read our Easter 2020 issue of Transformations, click here.

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Melissa’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?