Meet Marshal

Meet Marshal

Thanks to you…

Marshal has HOPE this Christmas!

“My drinking escalated… it jeopardized my job and home.”


After attending a Christian Bible college, Marshal felt called to go into ministry. “God had laid it on my heart, that’s what he wanted for me.” Instead, however, he returned home to work on his family’s ranch.

“All I could see was the profit. I chased the money and got my focus completely off what was really important.”

Marshal and his father were constantly at odds over the business, and he began using alcohol to ease his anger and anxiety. After years of struggle, he left and his drinking escalated, jeopardizing his ability to hold a job and maintain a home – then threatening his health and his very life.

“And all this time, I’m still professing to be a Christian. So finally I’m going to God and telling Him I don’t know how to stop this… I don’t know where to go from here.”

Just days after Marshal’s desperate plea, there was a knock at the door – a beloved relative he hadn’t seen in years. The visitor took Marshal to Wyoming Rescue Mission.

“All these doors are being opened, and all I have to do is step through them.
That’s how God works.”

Marshal entered our Discipleship Program and says, “the rest is history.”

Our Bible study and faith-based courses, much like his college curriculum, took on new meaning and he reestablished his relationship with the Lord. In the process, he learned to love himself. “That may sound selfish, but the Bible teaches us to love others as we love ourselves, and I hated what I had become.”

Most importantly, he’s made a full U-turn back to his original calling. “Since coming to WRM, I’m filled with new purpose. God has laid it on my heart to work in a place similar to this – I want to help people.”

Marshal has hope this Christmas – and he wants to thank YOU for supporting his journey toward a new life. “I had money… vehicles… horses… cows. But I was miserable. It doesn’t get any better until you start putting God in front of everything else you’re doing.”

To read the most recent issue of Transformationsclick to download.

Help other people like Marshal…

Marshal’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?