Meet Kelly

Meet Kelly

Kelly’s father was abusive – controlling his family
with fear instead of guiding them with love. So
in his formative years, Kelly was deprived of the
important relationship that would have helped him
develop the essential life skills and critical self-esteem
that lead to self-sufficiency.

By the time he reached adulthood, his mother had
remarried and he lived in her home. But when she
and her husband passed away, the landlord raised the
rent above what Kelly could afford on his own… and
he was evicted.

Homeless, he came to our ministry for simply food and
a bed – but it planted a seed that took root in his heart.
When Kelly believed he was back on his feet he
left our shelter. But as he jumped from job to job,
he was forced to rely on others for a place to lay his
head. Finally, in a string of poor choices driven by
frustration, he broke the law. When released from jail
he knew he had to change his ways. “I wanted to get
my life straightened out,” he says. “But my biggest
challenge was getting on the right path.”
He recalled his time in our faith-based
environment and prayed. And he felt God calling him
back to our doors.

This time, Kelly joined our Discipleship Program.
As he read the Bible and learned of God’s love, his
self-confidence began to blossom. And our faith-based
classes provided tools and structure for his life that
he’d never had.

Kelly recently joined a church and is looking
forward to having a place of his own. He also took a
job as a cook – something he enjoyed doing with his
mother – and hopes to gain enough experience to one
day have his own restaurant.

This Christmas, Kelly is experiencing all
the joy this season has to offer – because YOU
believed in the power of a fresh start and the
promise of God’s unending love. “WRM has made
me see myself as a person who’s doing his best with
whatever the Lord has in store for me.”