18 Aug Meet Jordan
A Heart of Thanksgiving
Jordan wants to share how your support changed his life!
“I thought, what am I doing with my life?”
The youngest of four siblings, Jordan was only 5 when his parents divorced and he was shielded from his father’s addiction. “I didn’t understand what drugs did and the pain they caused,” he says. “I had a lot of respect for my dad, so I was curious why he’d choose drugs over us.”
Jordan headed down a pathway he equated with success. He graduated from high school, began a career in the trades, got married and started a family. But then he found himself mirroring his father’s destructive choices.
After a back injury, he was prescribed pain killers, but then he began to rely on harder substances to stay awake through overnight shifts. “From there my life went downhill fast.” His addiction escalated… his wife and sons left… and he rejected loved ones’ attempts at intervention. Finally, after a near-fatal overdose, he knew he had to change. This time, he embraced the choice his father had made to give his life to God.
“I thought, what am I doing with my life? And I knew God had something bigger for me and using drugs was not in that equation.”
Years earlier, Jordan’s father had come to our ministry where he turned his life around. Today he manages a Christian ministries camp.
Now in our Discipleship Program himself, Jordan understands the neurological pull of addiction that he and his father share. He’s regaining his sobriety and mastering life and job skills. And he feels God calling him to start a barber ministry.
“The one thing that happens when you’re getting your hair cut is conversation. That’s an awesome opportunity to lead people to Jesus!”
Jordan’s relationship with his sons is also being restored, and he vows to become the godly role model for them that his father has become to him. “If I can be even a sliver of who my dad is today, I’ll be successful.”
Jordan is filled with thanksgiving for God’s redeeming love in his life – and your incredible generosity and support! “I was dead in my trespasses; now I’m alive in Christ. WRM is teaching me who I truly am and who I was destined to be.”
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