18 Dec Hope This Christmas With Community Christmas Meal and Year-End Match
Casper, Wyoming — The Wyoming Rescue Mission invites individuals and families in need to its annual community Christmas meal – a celebration of hope, community, and compassion. Anyone facing hunger or hardship is welcomed for a hot nutritious meal. While meals are served daily, the community Christmas meal will take place at noon on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, at 230 N. Park St. in Casper.
This year’s community Christmas meal represents more than just food; it’s a chance for individuals and families facing difficult times to experience love in action at Wyoming Rescue Mission. “We want to ensure that no one feels alone or forgotten during the holidays,” said Community Engagement Coordinator, Adam Flack. “This meal is a tangible reminder of God’s love and the generosity of our community.”
Support Wyoming Rescue Mission: Double Your Impact
For just $2.58, partners in the community can provide a hot meal to someone in need – an opportunity to make a direct difference in the lives of Casper’s most vulnerable. As the year comes to an end, Wyoming Rescue Mission requests the community’s support to meet a critical $35,000 year-end matching challenge. Every donation made will be matched dollar-for-dollar, doubling the impact of each gift. This matching challenge is a powerful way to ensure that meals, shelter, and transformative programs continue to be provided for those who need it most.
Wyoming Rescue Mission thanks all community partners and volunteers for helping restore hope and transform lives in 2024. For more information about how to get involved, contact Community Engagement Coordinator, Adam Flack, at (307) 473-6948 or aflack@wyomission.org. Donations can be made directly at wyomission.org.